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Bumps, Birth & Babyhood June Virtual Monthly Meet Up
Bumps, Birth & Babyhood is a community for expectant and new parents and those who work to support them. A non-judgemental safe space to share stories, ask questions and explore your options in your pregnancy, birth and early parenthood.
Stay connected while socially distanced and lets explore all things Bumps, Birth & Babyhood!
This month's topic is Birth Options - together we'll be exploring place of birth, who to have with you, how to manage pain, what to do with your placenta and much more. There's no such thing as a silly question and our focus is on non-judgmental peer-to-peer support.
This event is open to anyone with an interest in pregnancy and birth and is free to attend - we hope to see you there!
Bumps, Birth & Babyhood
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